Results Past Winners




(Michael Appleby Keeping Driver's Education in the School)


Printable application


Date:          Thursday, May 27, 2004

                   Race day registration begins at 6:00 pm.

                   4-Mile Run begins at 8:00 pm.

                   2-Mile Fun Run/Walk begins at 7:30 pm.

Entry Fee:   $13 pre-registration; $15 after May 23.

Location:    Sports Barn Downtown

T-shirts:      T-shirts will be given to pre-registered runners on the day of the race.  Late registrants will receive shirts at a later date at the Sports Barn Downtown, and must be picked up by June 30th.


Awards:      4-Mile:  Top Overall Male & Female,

                    Master Male & Female

                    Males & Females in each of the following age groups:

                    14 & Under (3), 15-19 (3), 20-24 (3), 25-29 (3), 30-34 (3),

                    35-39 (3), 40-44 (3), 45-49 (3), 50-54 (3), 55-59 (3), 60 & Over (3).

                    2-Mile:  Overall Male & Female

Note:        You have 10 minutes after crossing the finish line to turn in your place card to be eligible for an award.

Course:      Starts, passes and ends at the Sports Barn Downtown.

Facilities:   Showers, restrooms, and restaurant.

BBQ sponsored by Bones BBQ.

Make checks payable to


and mail to:

Carolyn Varnell

9002 Jenny Lynn Drive

Chattanooga, TN  37421

For more information contact:

Carolyn Varnell, Race Director @ (423) 893-4889

Judy Appleby, MAKUS @ (423) 593-1505

Kristen Appleby, MAKUS @ (423) 593-1507

 Sports Barn Downtown @ (423) 266-1125

Printable application


