1994 Results |
Official Head- Actual Pl Name Time Start Time Sex Age 1 Malcom Gillis 36:00 9:15 45:15 M 61 2 Rodney Stoker 38:06 2:00 40:06 M 18 3 Tom Cason 38:37 :15 38:52 M 22 4 Jamey Gifford 38:52 2:00 49:52 M 16 5 Chris Simmons 39:02 6:00 45:02 F 33 6 John Currier 39:03 :30 39:33 M 30 7 Jim Oaks 39:05 7:30 46:35 M 56 8 Phil Gates 39:12 2:45 41:57 M 40 9 Bobby Ogle 39:16 5:30 44:46 M 53 10 Guy Avery 39:29 :30 39:59 M 30 11 Mark McNiel 39:42 2:00 41:42 M 19 12 Kevin Tashein 39:47 :30 40:17 M 30 13 Jeff Stracener 39:58 :45 40:43 M 38 14 Allen Buquo 40:07 5:30 45:37 M 50 15 Randy Goins 40:37 2:45 43:22 M 44 16 Shannon Wood 40:43 :15 40:58 M 21 17 Sue Anne Murray 40:53 11:45 52:38 F 48 18 Matt Lucarelli 41:07 2:00 43:07 M 16 19 Philip Wiles 41:11 2:00 43:11 M 15 20 Walter Bruce 41:22 :30 41:52 M 33 21 Denny Elston 41:53 2:45 44:38 M 42 22 Ronnie Bryson 41:59 5:30 47:29 M 53 23 Tony Arnold 42:42 5:30 48:12 M 52 24 Larry Mize 43:12 4:00 47:12 M 47 25 Marshall Martin 43:31 :00 43:31 M 29 26 Ted Hegenbarth 43:39 5:30 49:09 M 53 27 Paul Talbott 43:55 :30 44:25 M 30 28 Chris Kleehammer 44:11 :30 44:41 M 34 29 George Petersen 44:21 :00 44:21 M 27 30 Jason Merriss 44:46 :15 45:01 M 20 31 Rob Davis 44:58 :00 44:58 M 27 32 Hillary Smith 45:33 5:15 50:48 F 25 33 Jenny Buquo 45:50 5:30 51:20 F 20 34 Tom Baker 45:53 5:30 51:23 M 50 35 Charles Harris 45:57 4:00 49:57 M 47 36 Jeff Gaither 46:00 :30 46:30 M 34 37 Carl Ellis 46:09 5:30 51:39 M 52 38 Bruce Richie 46:17 :30 46:47 M 34 39 Randall Phillips 46:30 2:45 49:15 M 40 40 Doug Tate 46:33 2:45 49:18 M 42 41 Danny Gill 47:09 :45 47:54 M 36 42 Donald Swafford 47:16 5:30 52:46 M 51 43 Lara Moses 47:38 5:30 53:08 F 23 44 John Hunt 47:48 :45 48:33 M 39 45 Vann Newell 48:03 :45 48:48 M 37 46 Abner Oldham 48:22 5:30 53:52 M 54 47 Judy Stoller 48:44 13:15 1:01:59 F 52 48 Keith Parkinson 49:07 5:30 54:37 M 54 49 David Pinkston 49:08 4:00 53:08 M 47 50 Phil Booth 49:16 4:00 53:16 M 45 51 Jerry Welsh 49:36 7:30 57:06 M 55 52 Bob Welsh 49:36 7:30 57:06 M 57 53 Bill Minehan 49:37 :30 50:07 M 32 54 Cooper Brown 49:48 2:00 51:48 M 15 55 Charles Wagner 50:03 4:00 54:03 M 48 56 Mary Anne Taha 50:19 8:15 58:34 F 37 57 Frank Adkins 50:35 7:30 58:05 M 55 58 Jerry Tipton* 51:00 :45 51:45 M 37 59 Janet Lowe 51:03 13:15 1:04:18 F 51 60 Judy Stephens 51:09 9:00 1:00:09 F 40 61 Rick Orzino 51:26 4:00 55:26 M 49 62 Will Thomas 51:30 2:00 53:30 M 15 63 Daryl Street* 51:34 :45 52:19 M 37 64 Emily Lawrence 51:43 6:15 57:58 F 15 65 Doug Roselle 51:52 :45 52:37 M 39 66 Beth Serodino 51:55 6:00 57:55 F 34 67 Anonymous* 52:11 6:15 58:26 F 17 68 Heather Ott* 52:11 6:00 58:11 F 34 69 Jack Forde 52:11 2:45 54:56 M 43 70 Bob Braddock 52:28 2:45 55:13 M 44 71 Phil Thomas 52:47 5:30 58:17 M 53 72 Barby Gifford 52:49 11:45 1:04:34 F 48 73 Casey McDonagh 52:56 6:00 58:56 F 33 74 Heidi Slack 52:58 5:30 58:28 F 22 75 Frank Tilley 52:59 :45 53:44 M 35 76 Micah Smith 53:18 2:00 55:18 M 18 77 Dan Minehan 53:25 :30 53:55 M 30 78 John Talbird, Jr. 53:26 5:30 58:56 M 54 79 Don Burns 53:45 7:30 1:01:15 M 58 80 Earl Kelle 53:49 4:00 57:49 M 47 81 Bob Tumlin 54:00 5:30 59:30 M 51 82 Art Hagood 54:05 5:30 59:35 M 54 83 Paige Campbell 54:29 5:15 59:44 F 28 84 Nelda Welch 54:36 9:00 1:03:36 F 41 85 Patrick Walker 54:37 :45 55:22 M 36 86 James D. Jones 54:43 2:45 57:28 M 41 87 Brian Shutters 54:47 2:45 57:32 M 42 88 Glenn Locke 54:58 9:15 1:04:13 M 63 89 Richard Park, Jr. 55:03 :30 55:33 M 30 90 Chris Frank 55:06 :30 55:36 M 30 91 Jonathan Mote 55:06 :45 55:51 M 39 92 Charles Herport 55:16 5:30 1:00:46 M 50 93 Anonymous 55:18 :45 56:03 M 35 94 Beth Brewster 55:45 6:15 1:02:00 F 17 95 Bill Todd 55:54 2:45 58:39 M 41 96 Art Davis 56:09 :45 56:54 M 36 97 Becky Helton 56:25 9:45 1:06:10 F 12 98 Tom Blanton 56:34 5:30 1:02:04 M 50 99 Bruce McDuffie 56:42 16:00 1:12:42 M 73 100 Cindy Pointer 56:43 8:15 1:04:58 F 38 101 Tom Shaw 56:51 :30 57:21 M 33 102 Susan Harrison 57:50 17:00 1:14:50 F 55 103 Jerry Dale 58:11 5:30 1:03:41 M 51 104 Patty Lane 58:24 8:15 1:06:39 F 38 105 Clif Wright 58:31 4:00 1:02:31 M 47 106 Byron Hulgan 58:50 4:00 1:02:50 M 46 107 Girtie Locke 58:51 18:30 1:17:21 F 61 108 David Welsh 58:59 :00 58:59 M 28 109 Stefanie Dziedzic 59:10 5:15 1:04:25 F 25 110 Jeff Kelle 59:52 :15 1:00:07 M 21 111 T. A. Keys 1:00:22 2:45 1:03:07 M 40 112 Terry Moffett 1:00:22 2:45 1:03:07 M 41 113 Tonja Walker 1:02:02 5:15 1:07:17 F 27 114 Anne Rhodes 1:02:20 11:45 1:14:05 F 46 115 Mike Fingerle 1:03:49 :45 1:04:34 M 39 116 Steve Bettis 1:04:14 2:45 1:06:59 M 44 117 Lewis Tate 1:04:20 4:00 1:08:20 M 47 118 Michael Kellum 1:05:40 :45 1:06:25 M 35 119 Ron Logan 1:06:04 :00 1:06:04 M 26 120 Freda Richie 1:06:14 6:00 1:12:14 F 34 121 Randy Nabors 1:06:49 2:45 1:09:34 M 43 122 Brent Burns 1:08:05 :00 1:08:05 M 29 123 Lee Meadows 1:08:49 7:30 1:16:19 M 55 124 Bill Trohanis 1:08:55 2:45 1:11:40 M 41 125 Bob Allen 1:10:00 5:30 1:15:30 M 51 126 Rusty Lingerfelt 1:10:20 :30 1:10:50 M 34 127 Ron Villmow 1:11:26 4:00 1:15:26 M 47 128 Doug Dennett 1:11:42 5:30 1:17:12 M 54 129 Rob Harrison 1:12:54 :30 1:13:24 M 31 130 Jonathan Villmow 1:14:03 6:30 1:20:33 M 13 131 Avery McCuiston 1:16:02 5:30 1:21:32 M 51 132 Marianna Allen 1:39:43 6:15 1:45:58 F 15 *known to have started late – therefore their actual time on the course is less than what is shown. |