Date: May 22, 2004
Entry Fees: $20 Pre-Registered  $25 Day of Race

Make checks payable to: 

Chattanooga Nature Center
400 Garden Rd., Chattanooga, TN 37419
Race Day Registration Begins: 7:00 am

Pre-Race Packet Pick-up: 

Pre-registered entrants may pick up race packets and enjoy a pasta dinner at Big River Grille Thursday, May 20th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm
Start Time 10k:     8:00 am
Start Time 5k:     8:15 am
Location:  Big River Grille (Downtown Chattanooga)


Female & Male Overall 10k & 5k
Masters (40-49) 10k only
Grand Masters (50+) 10k only
1st & 2nd & 3rd place male & female runners will receive awards in the following age divisions in both the 5k & 10k races:
19 & Under, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59,  60 & Over
Awards will also be presented to the junior & senior most female & male runners of both races.
No Duplications.
Random Drawing
All Wild Race applicants will be eligible to win one of several door prizes provided by Wild Race  sponsors.  The drawing will take place prior to the awards ceremony.  You must be present to win.
Big River Grille, Chattem, Inc., Brock Insurance Agency & Brock & Spencer Benefits, Citadel Communications, and Comcast Cable

All proceeds from the Wild Race benefit the Chattanooga Nature Center, an environmental education facility located in Chattanooga, Tennessee at the foot of Lookout Mountain.

The Chattanooga Nature Center is a private non-profit organization which receives no state or federal funding.

Your support of this year's Wild Race is greatly appreciated!


For more information on this year's Wild Race, contact Teresa Potts Wade at (423) 493-9566, Email: